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Strategies for Teaching English
Critical Thinking | Comprehension | Vocabulary | Study Skills | Writing to Learn | A Marzano Strategy | Tiered Strategy | HOME

Click on the links above to see the different strategies. Read below to find more information about each strategy.

CRITICAL THINKING: This strategy examines the key concepts primarily focused on Shakespeare’s “Macbeth” Act I. The chart encourages students to learn themes of the play and key concepts of the dramatic techniques used.

COMPREHENSION: The comprehension strategy is a three-level guide that offers questions on three different levels. This strategy is used to help students identify the “big idea” in the text and connect that to real life experiences. The three-level guide is written for Keat’s poem “Ode on a Grecian Urn.”

VOCABULARY: This vocabulary chart engages students by having them guess the definitions to vocabulary words and then learn through the exercises if they are wrong or right in their guesses. The students are more apt to learn the correct vocabulary definitions by learning on their own the correct definitions.

STUDY SKILLS: This strategy encourages students to use the words from the poem “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” and write possible sentences from the poem. This exercise will pique the students’ interest on the material before reading the work.

WRITING TO LEARN: This strategy over “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson is layed out in the form of an outline and with questions guides students through the process of making an outline before writing.

MARZANO STRATEGY: This strategy is a chart that the students fill in with details about the characters in Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream.” This encourages the students to analyze the characters and compare and contrast them by writing complete sentences. This is from “Strategies that Work” by Marzano.

Georgia Performance Standards for each strategy:

Critical Thinking: ELABLRC1, ELABLRC3


Vocabulary: ELABLRL4, ELABLRL5


Writing to Learn: ELABLRC1, ELABLRC4, ELABLRC3

Marzano Strategy: ELABLRC1, ELABLRC2, ELABLRL1